Sand and Gravel

Concrete Sand (CSGH)

Product Code: CSGH
Price: $12/TON AS OF 11/14/22
Used For: concrete, hot asphalt, pipe sand/bedding, sand bags, leveling above ground pools, patios, walkways, horse stables, and concrete paving stones. Contractors used on roads, building, and construction sites.

Available Locations

Select Sand and Gravel products are available at each location.

Grisham Aggregate
2670 FM 11
Grandfalls TX 79742
(432) 634-2351
Grandfalls Aggregate
600 CR 371
Grandfalls TX 79742
(432) 532-2299
Damron Aggregate
8602 FM 400
Slaton TX 79364
(806) 842-3519 x1585
Baker Quarry
1089 FM 400
Tahoka TX 79373
(806) 759-3111