
Flexbase 2

Product Code: FB2PW, FB2NSPW, DOTFB2PW​
Size: 2” Minus Roadbase
Price: FB2 – Contact us for pricing
Price: FB2NS –  Contact us for pricing
Price: DOTFB2 – Contact us for pricing
Used For: oil field pads, building pads, parking lots with heavy traffic, roads and driveways fb compacts, well graded to spec (247, grade 1 or 2) fb2ns – more rock/more dirt (non-spec: doesn’t meet wetball almost identical gradation cheaper option) dotfb2- has been certified approved by txdot.

Available Locations

Select Crushed Limestone products are available at each location.
Midland Aggregate 4903 SCR 1270 Midland TX 79706 (432) 386-5053 Location Nobles Aggregate 9115 W. County Rd 60 Midland TX. 79706 (432) 227-4733 Location
Buckhorn Aggregate Portable 6240 N State Hwy 18 Ft. Stockton TX 79735 (432) 386-5053 Location Penwell Aggregate 18200 West I20 Odessa TX 79363 (432) 214-4110 Location
Pearl Quarry Aggregate 876 N US Highwy 67 Girvin TX 79740 (432) 438-8226 Location Yates Portable 1084 CR 220 Rankin TX. 79778 (432) 438-8226 Location
Ft. Stockton Aggregate Sanderson Hwy Ft. Stockton TX (432) 386-5053 Location